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01 Jul. 2020
How High-Pressure Water Can Damage Your Pipes
Most of us want to enjoy a shower that has high pressured water, especially in the morning when you are in a rush to go to work. Most of the time, we think a strong shower means the plumbing system at home is working efficiently. While you are enjoying the high-pressure water coming out from your shower, you may want to be careful to avoid a plumbing issue in the future. Read More
- By:safa
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05 May. 2020
Don’t Ignore These Signs of Water Heater Failure
A water tank heater can last for 8 up to 12 years depending on the materials used in the unit, its installation location, the quality of the water, and the maintenance schedule. However, there are instances when you will need to have your water heater checked by a professional, especially when you notice the following signs. Read More
- By:safa
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28 Feb. 2020
Regular Drain Cleaning is Vital for Your Home
A responsible homeowner will set aside time to do a regular check up on the plumbing system to ensure that everything is working properly. While we are so conscious of leakages, most of us fail to realize the importance of a drain functioning properly. Read More
- By:safa
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04 Feb. 2020
Five Things -That Can Damage Your Plumbing
One of the most important parts of your home is your plumbing system but it is often the most ignored too. In fact, most homeowners didn’t talk about their plumbing until it doesn’t function properly. That’s the time they start to check their plumbing system to see where the problem lies. Did you know that not regularly checking your plumbing system can cause you costly repairs and replacements? Read More
- By:safa
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04 Feb. 2020
Regular Drain Cleaning Is Vital For Your Home
Out of sight, out of mind — this is particularly true when it comes to our home drainage system. Regular drain cleaning is vital for your home to ensure that excess water is released to where it should be. However, most people don’t give importance to drains because they often can’t see it. We only tend to check it when it’s already becomes clogged up or blocked. While a clogged drain is not something that can expose you to hazardous damage, it can still cause a lot of inconvenience. Fortunately, regular drain cleaning can prevent this from happening. Read More
- By:safa
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05 Dec. 2019
What To Do If Your Water Is Taking Too Long To Heat
Imagine waking up on a cold Monday morning with less than an hour before you get late to school or in the office, on to find out that your water takes too long to heat —- this scenario can be very frustrating. The thought of taking a cold shower even during summer doesn’t just sit well with most people, especially if you are leading a busy life. You would definitely want everything to be fast, including the water in your shower. Read More
- By:safa
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30 Oct. 2019
Five Signs Your Dishwasher is Clogged
Many of us use our dishwashers on a daily basis. Dishwashers provide us with convenience and an extra level of cleanliness to all of our kitchen supplies. However, just like any other appliance, things can go wrong. In time, dishwashers become clogged, especially when the food scraps, papers, and other tiny items accumulate from unrinsed dishes. After a lot of use this usually results in a backup. Looking out for these five signs will help you recognize a clogged dishwasher so you can get it fixed right away. Read More
- By:safa
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01 Jul. 2019
How To Keep Your Drain Working Properly
Clogged drains are one of the most common plumbing issues in every home. Homeowners are experiencing a big inconvenience because of this issue. Drains, unlike any part of your plumbing system, has a higher chance of dealing with daily wear and tear because they function as filters. They filter out things like cooking grease, hair, coffee grounds, soap scum, and many other things you use daily. Eventually, your drain will become clogged due to the accumulation of these things giving you trouble.
- By:safa
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01 May. 2019
Can Your Toilet and Shower Clog at the Same Time?
A clogged drain pipe can block the water from a shower stall and also from a toilet because the water from the shower stall and from the toilet does eventually flow through the same pipe. The water will not quickly flow down the drain if an obstruction is blocking the water inside the pipe. The drain for a shower stall can be clogged by hair and soap residue. A toilet can be clogged by an accumulation of dry and hard residue inside the pipe.
- By:safa
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30 Mar. 2019
When It May Be Time To Get A New Toilet
Saving money is a goal that all homeowners share. Housing costs may take up a large percentage of any budget. Making this budget go further enables the homeowner to reserve funds for other things they want to do each year. Spring makes the ideal time to examine what can be done to the home to keep it in good shape and avoid any potential problems. One area that deserves serious attention is that of the plumbing. Properly functioning plumbing is essential. Proper functioning plumbing also allows people to always have access to water which is the most important aspect. Read More