31 Jul. 2020
Common Signs of a Sewer Drain Clog
Warning signs of sewer drain clog
You are probably aware of the functions of your home’s sewer line; it transports the wastewater to the underground sewer line. And like any other plumbing fixtures in your home, this too can also get clogged. When this happens and left unaddressed, the wastewater may go back up your sewer line, out of your toilet, and flood your floor. To be able to address the problem right away, it is important for you to know when your sewer line is having a problem. Here are the 3 most common signs that your sewer drain is clogged. Read More
- By:safa
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01 Jul. 2020
How High-Pressure Water Can Damage Your Pipes
Most of us want to enjoy a shower that has high pressured water, especially in the morning when you are in a rush to go to work. Most of the time, we think a strong shower means the plumbing system at home is working efficiently. While you are enjoying the high-pressure water coming out from your shower, you may want to be careful to avoid a plumbing issue in the future. Read More
- By:safa
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