13 Dec. 23

The Reasons to Avoid Pouring Grease Down the Drain

Have you ever wondered what happens when you pour grease down the drain? Or why does your plumber always advise against it? Well, there are several reasons why you should avoid pouring grease down your drain. In this article, we will discuss these reasons in detail and explore some alternative ways of disposing of grease.

What is Grease?

Before we dive into the reasons to avoid pouring grease down the drain, let’s first understand what grease actually is. Grease is a type of fat that comes from meat, dairy products, and cooking oils. It can be in solid form when cold but turns into a liquid when heated. When you cook with oil or butter, for example, the fat in these ingredients melts and becomes grease.

Why Pouring Grease Down the Drain is a Bad Idea

  1. Clogs Your Pipes

One of the main reasons why you should never pour grease down your drain is that it can clog your pipes. When hot grease goes down your drain, it eventually cools and solidifies, creating a thick coating on the inside of your pipes. Over time, this coating can build up and cause blockages, leading to slow draining or even completely clogged pipes.

  1. Attracts Pests

Grease may not seem like an appetizing meal for humans, but it definitely is for pests such as rats and cockroaches. When you pour grease down the drain, it can attract these unwanted guests to your home. As they search for food, they may also cause damage to your pipes and create a potential health hazard.

  1. Damages Your Plumbing System

In addition to clogging your pipes, pouring grease down the drain can also damage your entire plumbing system. The thick coating of grease can restrict water flow and put extra strain on your pipes, leading to leaks and potential water damage. This can result in costly repairs that could have been avoided.

  1. Harmful to the Environment

Grease doesn’t just cause problems for your plumbing system, it also has a negative impact on the environment. When grease enters our sewage systems, it combines with other materials and forms large clogs, which can lead to sewer backups and overflows. This not only affects the environment but also poses a risk to public health.

Alternative Ways of Disposing Grease

So, what should you do with your grease instead of pouring it down the drain? Here are some alternative ways to dispose of grease:

  • Let it cool and solidify: The easiest way to dispose of grease is to let it cool and solidify. Once it has solidified, you can scrape it into a container and throw it in the trash.
  • Use a grease trap: Grease traps are devices that collect and separate grease from water, preventing it from entering your plumbing system. Make sure to clean and empty your grease trap regularly to prevent clogs.
  • Recycle it: Some cities have programs that allow you to recycle grease by turning it into biofuel. Check with your local waste management agency to see if this is an option in your area.
  • Reuse it: Instead of disposing of your grease, you can also reuse it for cooking. Just make sure to strain out any food particles before storing it in a container.


Pouring grease down the drain may seem like an easy solution, but it can have serious consequences for your plumbing system and the environment. Not only can it cause clogs and attract pests, but it can also be harmful to your health and lead to expensive repairs. Instead, opt for alternative ways of disposing of grease, such as letting it cool and solidify or using a grease trap. By following these simple steps, you can avoid potential plumbing issues and do your part in preserving the environment. Remember, it’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your plumbing. If you ever encounter a clog or other plumbing issue caused by grease, make sure to contact a professional plumber, such as Woodbridge Plumbing, for assistance. Your pipes will thank you!