18 Jul. 18

Important Plumbing Issues to Consider When Buying a Home

What types of plumbing issues should you consider when you purchase a residence? Just like the roofing, flooring, heating and cooling systems, the plumbing system contributes significantly to the value of real estate. By remaining alert for possible problems, you may succeed in obtaining an excellent bargain when you invest in your next home in the Woodbridge, VA area!




Check Over The Plumbing System

Before investing significant amount of money in a property, you should carefully inspect the plumbing system. Not all property sellers leave the water and electricity connected when they place a residence on the sales market. Particularly if the home has remained vacant for an extended period of time during colder months of the year, you may find yourself evaluating its condition after winterization.

If you have an opportunity to do so, it usually proves helpful to request some further information from the seller. In addition to learning the amount of the average monthly water bill during winter and summer, inquire if the residence has required plumbing repair services within the past 24 months? Frequent plumbing visits to the property could indicate the seller authorized extensive plumbing system repairs; on the other hand, it might also raise a red flag. Beware of pipe problems if leaks have repeatedly developed in the property recently (this might indicate the need for whole-house re-piping, an expensive home improvement).


Exercise Caution Investing in Vacant Un-winterized Properties

Prospective home buyers in this region must exercise great care purchasing vacant properties which have not received winterization services. Why? During freezing weather, unprotected water pipes located inside the exterior walls of houses, in unfinished basements, and in garages may sustain damage from the cold temperatures. Unlike many other substances, water expands when it freezes. If you’ve ever noticed an ice cube tray with ice brimming above the rim, you’ve likely already witnessed this phenomenon.

Unfortunately, as water freezes inside a pipe, it may cause the metal or plastic to bend, distort in shape, or rupture. Unwinterized residential properties remain at high risk of sustaining damaged water pipes during protracted bouts of cold winter weather. Buyers who purchase unwinterized residences may wish to pay especially close attention to this issue. Look closely for signs of water damage or leaks in this situation. Stains in ceilings and drywall or damp walls and mildew could indicate ongoing leakage problems.


Request Skilled Plumbing Services

If you would like a licensed plumber to check over a residence you’ve considered purchasing in the Woodbridge, VA area, consider contacting Woodbridge Plumbing, Inc. for assistance as well as for all of your residential plumbing services.